The Clinical Importance of the Fascial Lines – 2024.


This course is based on the work of Thomas Myers and his presentation of the fascial lines in the text Anatomy Trains. This course is in no way affiliated with, endorsed by, or supported by Anatomy Trains. This course is an application of Myers fascial lines work into the world of movement and orthopedic rehab based on how we have integrated it and experienced success over the past 15 years. Additionally, completion of this course does not imply any competency or association with any of the course and education that Thomas Meyers and Anatomy Trains provides.


Course information

When I first encountered Anatomy Trains, it was like discovering a hidden treasure trove of anatomical insights that had been overlooked for too long. It wasn’t just about the anatomy being different; it was the revolutionary mindset that our anatomy is interconnected, dynamic, and multifaceted. As we began to integrate this perspective into clinical practice, I found myself unraveling mysteries that had puzzled me for years.

Imagine being able to trace how a biceps issue could contribute to medial knee pain on the same side through the ipsilateral functional line. It’s moments like these that redefine how we approach treatment. I’ve witnessed firsthand collegiate runners finding relief from stubborn knee pain once we tapped into this insight.

Or consider how cervical manual therapy can impact something as seemingly unrelated as a toe touch or active straight leg raise through the superficial back line. One of our students published a groundbreaking study back in 2010 validated this connection, opening new doors for treatment possibilities.

Then there’s the unforgettable experience of Dr. Mark Cheng resolving my low back pain by needling my popliteus, resulting in one of the most embarrassing moments of my life… It was a revelation, showcasing the power of the deep front line.

If you’re intrigued by the Fascial Lines outlined in Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers, this course offers a unique opportunity to dive deeper. While we provide an overview of Myers’ lines, our focus lies in sharing our wealth of clinical insights gleaned from 15 years of hands-on experience in the Orthopedic-Sports Medicine field. Join us on this transformative journey of discovery and application.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 11 hours

Difficulty: Mastery

Tracks: , ,

CEU Requirements

At the conclusion of the course – once you have completed the course work, passed the quiz and completed the exit assessment (YES, YOU HAVE TO DO ALL 3) you will receive 11 Category A CEU.

Knowledge Gap:

Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Strength Coaches, Physicians, Biomechanists, and Chiropractors – if you’ve ever felt like your anatomical education stopped short at the stinky confines of a cadaver lab, you’re not alone. For decades, we’ve been taught anatomy in isolated silos, missing the bigger picture of how the human body truly functions. While this traditional approach has its merits as a starting point, it falls short when it comes to addressing the complexities of real-world cases.

In this course, we present a concept that shatters the mold of traditional anatomical teaching. The framework of a thought process that Thomas Myers initiated acknowledges the interconnectedness of the human body, bridging the gap between textbook knowledge and practical application. In this course, we’re not just exploring the fascial lines outlined by Thomas Myers; we’re delving deeper to integrate anatomy seamlessly into our clinical practice. This course will help transform our understanding of anatomy and revolutionize our approach to patient care in an integrated world.

Course Objectives:

Upon Completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify (using the diagrams, materials provided) which fascial line(s) individual muscles belong to.
  • Recognize common musculoskeletal movement impairments and understand the influence the fascial lines have in each.
  • Recognize common musculoskeletal pain presentations impairments and understand the influence the fascial lines have on each.
  • Identify and recognize the influence different facial lines exert on individual joints beyond the local isolated muscles we often default to as influential.

Clinical Bottom Line

In the intricate tapestry of the human body, isolation is an illusion. Every tissue, every structure exerts its influence not only locally but also far beyond its immediate surroundings. While the concepts introduced by Anatomy Trains are gradually gaining recognition and validation through research, their significance transcends mere trends. Even if Myers’ ideas were to be proven entirely wrong, the implications of embracing a more encompassing view of the human body are profound.

For over two millennia, our approach to anatomy has remained remarkably stagnant, rooted in the dissection-based practices of ancient physicians. Yet, as healthcare professionals, we are entrusted with the responsibility and expectation to evolve beyond these archaic perspectives. While foundational knowledge of isolated anatomical structures is indispensable, it should serve as just that – a foundation. This course represents a pivotal shift towards understanding not just what lies within the body, but how these interconnected components influence one another, shaping the unique needs of each individual seeking care. It’s time to transcend the limitations of antiquated thinking and embrace a more comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and its profound impact on patient outcomes.

Course Instructor

Brandon Hetzler Brandon Hetzler Author