The NeuroDevelopmental Sequence – 2024

Discover the captivating journey of infant and child motor development through the lens of the neurodevelopmental sequence (NDS), also known as the developmental or motor development sequence. This course transcends the traditional narrative, delving into the profound principles embedded within the NDS. While the standard description outlines the natural progression from basic reflexes to complex movements, this course takes a unique approach. It invites you to explore how these principles can be applied dynamically to individuals, empowering you to create highly targeted adaptations within the nervous system. Move beyond the familiar landmarks of head control, crawling, and walking, and delve into the intricate interplay of postures as sensory environments. Uncover the art of utilizing these postures to facilitate specific adaptations, unlocking a deeper understanding of neurological maturation. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, educator, or coach, this course promises to unveil a richer perspective on the transformative power of the neurodevelopmental sequence.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 10 hours

Difficulty: Basic

Tracks: ,

CEU Requirements

At the conclusion of the course – once you have completed the course work, passed the quiz and completed the exit assessment (YES, YOU HAVE TO DO ALL 3) you will receive 10 CEU’s.

Knowledge Gap:

Traditional teachings in human development typically center around recognized milestones such as lifting the head, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and walking. However, there exists a substantial gap in the awareness of healthcare providers regarding the profound impact that Neurodevelopmental Sequence (NDS) postures and patterns wield over the nervous system. This course serves as a gateway to bridge this knowledge gap and extends beyond the conventional understanding of developmental stages.

By delving into the intricacies of the NDS, participants will unearth a treasure trove of principles that transcend the textbook narrative. It’s not just about acknowledging milestones but comprehending the dynamic interplay between postures and the intricate wiring of the nervous system. These postures, often underestimated, hold the key to a deeper level of movement restoration that goes beyond the mainstream discourse.

The course acts as a catalyst for a paradigm shift, transforming the isolated principles within the NDS into a comprehensive movement restoration narrative. What sets it apart is its practicality—providing tools and insights that can be directly applied to the diverse spectrum of patients encountered in healthcare. It’s not merely theoretical; it’s a practical guide empowering healthcare professionals to navigate the nuanced landscape of human movement with a renewed perspective.

Course Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to recognize and describe in detail each of the 6 NDS Postures and patterns..
  • Attendees will be able to classify all movement based up on the NDS posture the movement is occurring in.
  • Attendees will be able to explain how the NDS and NDC vary while understanding how the NDC leverages the principles of the NDS. .

Clinical Bottom Line

In the realm of movement, we’re inundated with exercises leveraging developmental postures, often touted for their connection to human development. However, many instructors struggle to articulate the true depth of these drills beyond their surface-level descriptions. Take half kneeling, segmental rolling, crawling, kneeling, and breathing—each holds substantial value, extending far beyond their simplified portrayals on social media. While such descriptions might suffice for building a following online, they fall short for health professionals. Enter NDS2024, a course that elevates understanding by delving into the principles and rationale behind these claims. Those who complete this course gain the precision to select exercises strategically, providing specific inputs to the central nervous system and eliciting systemic adaptations. It’s a shift from the superficial to the profound, arming health professionals with the knowledge needed for impactful and nuanced interventions.

Course Instructor

Brandon Hetzler Brandon Hetzler Author