BFR2 – Clinical Application of Blood Flow Restriction.

This CEU course is designed to provide AT’s with advanced levels of information on the implementation of blood flow restriction (BFR) into the care matrix of acutely post-op patients (<6 weeks)..

CEU’s upon completion: 0.75 Category A

CEU Credits:

Estimated Time: 45 minutes total

Difficulty: Advanced

Tracks: , ,

Knowledge Gap

Clinical Bottom Line:

Understanding the mechanics of BFR is an important first step in implementing BFR into patient care. However, in the immediate post op patient there is an elevated level of professional responsibility to ensure that you are not increasing the risk of a venous thrombosis. Very little information exists on this very specific application of BFR and how Virchow’s Triad can impact the decision of when/if BFR is a safe modality in this patient population..

BFR applied in a rehab setting can create an anabolic environment that can aid in the prevention of atrophy, and with the development of hypertrophy and increased strength following injury. However, understanding the decision matrix of when these effects can be safely leveraged in an acute post-op patient is critical to patient safety.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to explain the three arms of Virchow’s Triad.
  2. Participants will be identify and recognized contraindications and precautions to BFR in acute post-op patients.
  3. Participants will be able to accurately determine if BFR is an appropriate modality option in acute post-op patients.

Course Instructor

Brandon Hetzler Brandon Hetzler Author

Educational partners


1-time fee
