The Shapes of Movement

HEADS UP: If you are going through this course then one of 2 things needs to happen. You have already completed several of the individual Shapes of Movement Courses, or you are in the process of completing those. This course is supplementary to those and does NOT provide any new skill by itself.

Whether you are a healthcare provider or a strength coach, everyone that comes to you has one commonality…they move. Because of that singular fact, you could likely use an objective tool to help you figure out what their movement tells you.

“What if they are in pain?” It doesn’t matter, they move..

Disclaimer: if they are in acute pain due to injury or trauma no one should be evaluating movement because movement isn’t their biggest clinical priority.

“What if I only train high level, elite athletes?”

It doesn’t matter, they move. And, every elite athlete/soldier/performer knows that being the best at the basics is critical to their success. ‘Movement’ precedes exercise, sport, and training…which makes movement the foundation of all.

“The people I work with are very deconditioned and need to be treated differently. How do the shapes account for that?”

It doesn’t matter, they move. This is about movement, this question is rooted in a mindset…every person, regardless of age/situation should be able to move as much like a human as possible. Don’t worry, we have a list of human movement skills everyone should be able to accomplish. No, this list is not the typical ADL’s (which were developed 75 years ago to decide when people could leave the hospital after a Hip fracture).

OMS, LLC has created movement based criteria for 21.5 human specific shapes. They come prepackaged as the Critical Shapes, the Upper Body Shapes, the Bottom of Shapes, and the Extended Shapes. However, we don’t believe for one moment that these prepackaged approaches work for every situation. You are in the best position to know what works best in your situation, so once you understand this approach you can create your own custom profile from the 21.5 Shapes. You are the professional, use the tool we are providing in whatever manner that best serves your people.

This course cover all if the above plus the “Why” and “Where;” Why you should use the Shapes, and where their creation came from.